Receding Gums Help


 Stop Receding Gums via Home Remedies and Treatments

Receding Gums are one of the most serious oral health problems. This blog post will help you to understand the fundamentals of oral health and how to get rid of receding teeth. In no time, we will be discussing home remedies and treatment options that will help you achieve healthy teeth, gum tissue and prevent gum recession.

Apparent symptoms of Gum Recession:

 Gum recession happens when your gums pull down from one's teeth surface. This exposes your teeth and leaves them looking ill. Read more info

 Also, gum recedes because of poor hygiene habits or early treatment. The symptoms of bad oral health are as follows:

  • Bad breath
  • Gum pain and soreness
  • Gum disease causes tooth loss
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Swelling
  • Gum tissue that's damaged
  • crooked teeth

When you have at least one symptom, it might be time for you to take action and see a doctor for advice.

How exactly to Help Receding Gums Grow Back?

These are natural treatments that can stop gum recession

Rinsing Mouth with Lemon and Baking Soda:

How to stop receding Gums is as simple as stopping bleeding. An instant rinse with warm salt water, baking soda, or lemon juice will help to reduce plaque buildup.


Regular brushing of the gums with a soft-bristled toothbrush will improve their health and reduce receding gums. Gum disease, Periodontal Disease, and gingival Margin are the major causes of exposed roots.

  • poor oral hygiene,
  • gum disease,
  • An excessive amount of pressure on the gum line when brushing is dangerous.
  • improper dental care.


A mouthwash with fluoride, antibiotics and antibacterial soap is the second step in making receding gums grow. There are various types of rinses, but these two proves to be the most effective for stopping gum recession. It can help maintain healthy teeth and relieve pain and inflammation.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

To create receding teeth grow back, you can use a homemade antimicrobial toothpaste to treat the pain and disease that comes with gum recession. A straightforward mixture of three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, half tablespoon baking soda, one teaspoon salt, four ounces water will work wonders on what you feel! It particularly can fix your exposed tooth roots.

Fluoride Toothpaste:

The fourth step to make receding gums grow back is to apply fluoride toothpaste. This will help strengthen your smile and relieve the pain caused by gum recession. Use of a toothpaste that does not contain fluoride may be the main reason for gingival or periodontal recession.

Water flossing

A water flosser is the fifth step to avoid receding gums. It can improve gum health, and prevent teeth from slipping. It can help in removing the food particles from the mouth, that may lead to good oral hygiene. This system can prevent gum inflammation, and it helps to remove bacteria.

Aloe Vera Gel:

The sixth step is to use aloe gel, a naturally occurring plant extract. This can help prevent your gums from receding. Aloe vera gel contains an enzyme called aloesin that soothes irritation. It's the best remedy to prevent periodontal disease.

Oil pulling

Oil pulling therapy is the seventh method to stop receding teeth. This can improve your jaws and teeth health. All you need to do for this technique is take one tablespoon of organic coconut oil and swish it around in the mouth like a mouthwash.


Turmeric is an ingredient that can prevent gum swelling. It has both anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties. Combine 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 cup water. Mix the mixture until it forms a liquid. Apply into the affected areas and leave for five minutes. Make every day several times for another two weeks or until the pain disappears. Then rinse off any curcumin residues and wash them with warm water. Use hot water after you wash off the gums.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

Usage of Hydrogen peroxide is one of the important natural remedies for receding gums because this drug kills bad bacteria and other oral problems.

Spray the whole mouth with hydrogen Peroxide for 20 second. Do it twice daily to cover the exposed root of teeth, removing bacteria which is an underlying cause of receded gums, mix baking soft drink and water into a thick, pasty paste. For severe cases, you may need to apply it for an extra minute.

Pain Killers:

Great oils are oregano, peppermint, and clove are useful to remove all the plaque from the teeth. Prevent further recession by treating any receding gums. These oils have painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties. See more here

You are able to apply this solution to your gums daily until it is who is fit. Tidy up any spray residue with a clean spray bottle and pure water. You should use essential oils to ease gum pain.

Essential oils

It had been found that important oils can reduce plaque and inflammation more effectively than medicated mouthwashes. The study also showed that mouthwashes containing lemongrass oil had a lower rate of plaque.

These ingredients ought to be checked to make sure they don't contain alcohol or other hard components. These ingredients could cause irritation to the gums. It is also necessary to verify the effectiveness of important oils for improving gingivitis.

Tea Tree oil:

You can use a mouthwash made from soaked tea leaves containing essential oil in water.

Clove oil

Gently rub two to three dropss of clove oil onto the gums. Another traditional treatment for sore gums is black pepper. Black pepper could be added in to the oil. This oil is anti-inflammatory and can be used to treat gum disease, whether it's inorganic or medical.

Combining treatment with a special diet can raise the effectiveness of the treatment. Gum receding could be stopped by drinking water and avoiding sweets such as cookies, sodas, and candy.

Gingival recession can lead to future problems, so it is vital that you get proper surgical treatment.

Surgical Treatments:

You need to have proper surgery done to be able to prevent gum loss. This includes scaling, pinhole surgical technique and teeth grinding procedure.

Scaling and Root Planning:

The plaque is removed through root planning and scaling. It's the leading cause for gum disease.

Flap Surgery

Flap surgery can be used to remove any tissue growths that stop your teeth from being clean by flossing and brushing. It can also be used to treat deep pockets surrounding teeth.

Gum Surgery:

Gum surgery is normally performed by an oral surgeon. In this procedure, your periodontist removes disease-causing bacteria from the gum tissue.

Gum surgery removes tissue that blocks your teeth from being cleaned by flossing or brushing. It also treats deep pockets surrounding teeth.

Gum Graft:

An oral surgeon is required to perform a gum graft. This procedure may be used to treat receding gums. Gum grafting can remove plaque, treat gum disease, and strengthen the gums.

Root Planing:

This is another way to stop receding teeth. Gum disease is caused by bacteria that grows on the main surface and finally destroys gum tissue. Root planing is used to remove plaque from the roots of the teeth. In addition, it helps eliminate bad breath.

Receding gums could be a painful and embarrassing problem. Nevertheless, you don't have to live with it!

Nature’s Smile is the only natural treatment for receding gums. It offers all-natural ingredients, so it's safe and gentle on your teeth and mouth. And best of all, it works!

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